Previous Arkordia Seminars

Friends of Arkordia Seminars are a series of presentations of interest to professionals in the fields of counselling, psychotherapy, art therapy, psychiatry, psychology, social work, and related disciplines.

This is a list of recent Friends of Arkorida Seminars that have taken place.

Notes from the Underworld

This talk and seminar explored and embraced death as one of the most essential aspects of our humanity from a psychological and spiritual perspective.

Notes from the Underworld was delivered by Janet Bowers who is a Core Process Psychotherapist. Over many years, she has been a student of the Beshara School.

Spring Seminar 2019

The Friends of Arkordia Seminars are a series of seminars of interest to professionals in the fields of counselling, psychotherapy, art therapy, psychiatry, psychology, social work, and related disciplines.

Winter Seminar

The Blank Canvas:

….an exploration of parallel processes in art & psychotherapy

Benet Haughton

Benet Haughton has spent much of his working life both as a psychotherapist and as an artist (he has not, however, ever been an art therapist!). He finds both professions demand a contemplative stance.

In this winter seminar, he will attempt to demystify the idea of contemplation and offer some playful and hopefully interesting insights into similarities between the two disciplines.

Part of the ‘Friends of Arkordia’ Seminar Series

Please email our Administrator (Pauline) at for a booking comfirmation.





Spring Seminar

When a kiss is an act of resistance:

Counselling gay men, men who are attracted to other men, and men with other nonconforming identities

Edgar Rodríguez-Dorans, PhD

‘Gay identity’ is an often taken-for-granted concept. When people refer to gay men’s identities, the term is used in relation to sexuality, as a labelling process, and operationalised through reference to ‘homosexual’ relationships. But what do those relationships mean to gay men? What does ‘being gay’ mean to gay men? Those questions, for the most part, remain unaddressed. Specialised knowledge and skills are necessary to provide ethical counselling and psychotherapy to gay people. The purposes of this seminar are to consider the different meanings that the terms ‘gay’ and ‘homosexual’ hold in addressing the needs of  gay men, men who are attracted to other men, and men with other nonconforming identities, highlighting the questions and concerns these men have about their identities and relationships. Counsellors, psychotherapists, and other mental health professionals need to be aware of how these concerns impact their practice and learn how to address these questions and create an environment in counselling to help their clients speak about their experiences and concerns.

Saturday 14th April, 10am-12pm

South Side Centre, 86 Causewayside, Edinburgh, EH9 1PY

Tickets are free but booking is essential, limited spaces.

Please email our Administrator (Pauline) at for a booking comfirmation.

Speaker Note
Edgar Rodríguez-Dorans holds a PhD in Counselling Studies and is interested in the study of identities, sexuality, dynamics in couple relationships, and the use of performing arts in counselling. He has presented his research in Mexico, Canada, U.K., Malta, France, and New Zealand. He currently works as a Mental Health Mentor at the Student Disability Service, University of Edinburgh.

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